Tuesday, 7 May 2013

ZBrush - Looking a head to see where things are going.

Or surely just "a head that's now looking". :-)

I decided to just do a little additional fudging about with the head example I'd done in the first class.  In this case, I thought I'd throw in a couple of stand-in eyeballs and add a few additional wrinkles here and there.

Just fyi, this is definitely not supposed to be a realistic head.  In case you're thinking "but that detail isn't quite right" or "Its proportionally incorrect"... It was originally a quick eyeballed example for looking at a sculpting workflow and I hadn't intentionally set out to work on in further...

However - I feel obliged to make it a pet project, and because I'm getting a little addicted to ZBrush...  If I don't work on it, I'll start to suffer withdrawal symptoms. lol! :-D


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